Thursday, March 14, 2013

Carla's 3 Random Facts About Me

What is one thing that you wish you were great at?

RUNNING.  It's likely that the answer to this question will ALWAYS be running and I've probably told you this before if we've ever been running, seen a runner or run together.

So, the funny part about this is that I actually run.  Not so much recently, but I've completed 3 full marathons and... 8 halfs?  And I hate almost every step.  It never really feels good, I don't get a runner's high and I am pretty darn sure I'm not at all good at it.  But I'll keep doing it anyway and hope that one day I can answer this question with something else.

I've run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco three times.  This year was one of my very favorites, running with my friends (L to R) April, Sandra and Nasim.  (That's me in the blue wig!)
What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

People who leave gunk on condiment lids.  Ketchup or mustard crust, salsa rings- YUCK.  This extends to an overly messy refrigerator because food has spilled out and it hasn't been cleaned.

Putting an outfit on in the morning and hating it the moment you get to work.

Expensive thrift shops.

What are three things you are scared of?

GOATS.  I mean, I can be around them without hyperventilating.  I just don't want to.  They have SQUARE PUPILS everyone- a crystal clear indication that they're not to be taken lightly.

THUNDER.  We have a thunderstorm here only every few years and I think they are terrifying.

FLYING.  I love traveling and I will eagerly take an airplane anywhere, but I think it's pretty scary and I never am excited about the actual flying part.  It gets easier when I do it more often, but since I don't fly at all for work anymore my flights are few and far between.

Fortunately, I'm about the calmest terrified person you'll find.  When I had an emergency crash(ish) landing on a flight diverted from Maui to Oahu last year, you would never have known I was horrified.  I'm still waiting for my Medal of Valor in the mail.

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