About Alyssa and Carla

Alyssa and Carla
Alyssa gets confused when people ask where she’s from.  She lives in crazy Tokyo but considers lovely San Francisco her home, even though she was raised in Cleveland.  She enjoys fried food, city life, the Oxford comma, and wearing pajamas all day.  She has recently discovered that she likes whiskey.  Alyssa does not understand why people like eggplant, gyms, or Uggs.  She also publishes a blog called Tokyo is Delicious about the crazy things she sees in Japan.

Carla is based in awesome San Francisco, where she's always lived (apart from a few years in beautiful New England).  Being the youngest of four girls in a home with no dishwasher or microwave means she knows lots about scrubbing pots and a little less about what was cooked inside them.  She enjoys sparkly beverages, zucchini, laundry and adventures, but is much less excited about the texture of most fruit (SHE KNOWS), Axe body spray and bad grammar.

This isn't strictly a food blog, but don't be surprised if most of our posts are food related...!  We put up recipes every-other week and write about something random in the other weeks.

Alyssa usually posts on Tuesdays and Carla tries to post on Thursdays.  But sometimes life gets in the way!  You'll forgive us?

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